February 25, 2012

I Can Be Your Safe Place...

Here's the thing...I'm slowly starting to intertwine my RL with my SL, because both mean so much to me...Soon, I will let you all know, who I really am in RL, and what I really do in RL...Second life has been my safe place for the last 4 or so years....and I thank you all for it...
And If you do know me, or know Who I am, please refrain from posting that Information Here. I will Open all the way Up When I'm ready to. Thank you <3

 Click HERE to Visit My Flickr & This Original Post!


  1. What matters, is that you are happy. You never should feel like you have to hide or disclose anything about you behind the screen. Anyone that would demand otherwise isn't worth your time. So when and if you are ready to share what it is about yourself you feel you might want to share with SL or the world........ that is entirely your choice and I support your right to those decisions.

    <3 LyLi - of the barely ever online anymore

  2. Lyli, your words and support mean much more to me than I can express here. You are an amazing person and I thank you for being an amazing person. These are true wise, thoughtful words you speak. Thank you so much gorgeous Lyli. <3 mwaaah!!

    p.s....we miss you online! <333

  3. Hi :)
    You have a great blog! If you are interested we can exchange our blogs. I will add a blogs list with blogs about SL. So I will add your blog there and you will add my blog in your blogs list.

    Have a look at my blog http://sladdicts.blogspot.com/

  4. I'm new to second life and so glad to meet because it seems we have a lot in common. Would love to be friends. Following your blog with mine. <3 My username: moonkittenaid


    1. Hi there Toxic :) thanks for stopping by. whats ur blog url?

  5. Hey "stasey" I dont want to post this here...but I do have a question for you please email me at mya0587@gmail.com thanks

  6. Hi I only wanted know that you still selling Skins what you had in your old shop please write me back :)

  7. I saw them in your old shop and I can't find them ..I wanted buy them

    1. Hi again. I am working on some new ones, will be done in no less than a month! thanks for stopping by! <3

  8. I want your old skins :/

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